View Profile Riku1858
Yeah...That's me, bored as usual.


Why do you ask this?

Uh...my head? my insanity?

Joined on 8/7/08

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Heya people.

Yup, finally graduated high school and onto the college! About damn time! Yeah, I'm headed to Hoboken Steven's Institute of Technology, where I hope to pursue an animation and engineering degree (yup, different majors...I know, I'm just awesome like that. Or I just have no life, whatever you think fits.) I had originally wanted to go to California for college (place of birth people!) but due to the economic situation there...yeah, not happening. (Sorry to all the people in California reading this.)

So yeah, the Anime Next Convention! Yeah! I finally am able to release my inner otaku (Japanese for 'nerd' or something similar)! I'll probably be tearing it up at the table games before I empty my bank account at the Dealer's Floor and the Artist Alley. Yeah, good times people, good times.
What I really want to see is the Anime Chess, god, people can really get into their characters! Go Cosplayers!


So yeah, summer. Ah, good old summer. Now I can just laze around, messing with the map construction in SSBB, maybe find a job (key word being maybe...just can't find a job in Jersey these days). Maybe I might even learn how to make a flash that doesn't suck ass, or perhaps even learn to draw decently and not stick figures! Hey, you never know (heck, I might even win the lottery!)

Oh yeah, before I forget, I'm kinda going into a business of selling some art. However, seeing as I can't draw to save my life, I ask anyone who's interested in seeing their art embossed on shirts and sold. I'm not so sure if I should go into this, as I am just starting out, but hey, if anyone want's in, let me know. I'll get back to you as soon as I possibly can with more details.

So yeah, this is Riku1858, going back to his nap!

P.S. If anyone's interested in fanfiction, click here! This is my author's page. Read the stuff you see there and review! Thanks!

Now I'll really go to sleep...that is after beating the crap out of Sonic and the Black Knight with 100%

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